求一篇在北京旅游的英语作文,旅游景点有故宫 天安门广场 长安街,关于北介绍北京景点的英语作文。100字母

求1篇在北京旅游的英语作文,旅游景点有故宫 天安门广场 长安街

1、求1篇在北京旅游的英语作文,旅游景点有故宫 天安门广场 长安街

Today my parents took me to my grandfather’s house. I played with my cousin. Suddenly my cousin suggested going to the park and having a rest. “that’s a good idea.” I said. Then we prepared for the traveling. After lunch, the sky turned dark. After that , it rained heavily. It meant our plan is impossible. What a pity day!今天我父母带我去了外公家,我和唐/表,兄/弟/姐/妹1起玩。突然,我我和唐/表,兄/弟/姐/妹建议去公园玩,顺便休息1下。“那是1个好主意”我说到。然后我们为旅行准备着。午饭后,天变得昏暗,接着下起了大雨。那意味着我们的计划不可能实行了,多遗憾的1天哪!小学生暑假英语日记(2)Tomorrow is New Year’s Day, my family have had a completely cleaning for two days. Then my father and I decorated our flat and my mother cooked delicious food for our meal. After supper we watched TV program. How happy we were!明天是春节,我家里以近在两天前做了彻底的大扫除。然后我和爸爸1起装饰家里,妈妈则在烧好吃的东西。晚饭以后,我们1起看电视节目,我们多高兴呀!小学生暑假英语日记(3)The day after yesterday I received 200yuan from my relatives as my pocket money. I was so happy but my father and mother said that I should give a half to them and the rest would be my pocket money in one year. “what!” I shouted.前天我收到了200元作为0用钱来自于我的亲戚,我很高兴,但是爸爸妈妈说要上交1半而且另1半要做为我1年里的0用钱。“什么!”我大叫到。小学生暑假英语日记(4)On July 20, sunnyGet up early today is very hot, hot feeling uncomfortable. Breakfast mother let me accompany her to go shopping and I didn't go. Because it is too hot, move feeling on the finger to sweat.The city library to read a book this afternoon. Because the library have air conditioning can blow, but also more than books at home too. Conveniently checke d total solar eclipse was visible material.7月20日 晴今天非常炎热,1大早起床就感觉闷热的难受。吃完早饭妈妈让我陪同她去买菜我也没去。因为实在是太热了,感觉动1下手指头身上都在向外冒汗。下午到市图书馆看了1下午的书。因为图书馆有空调可以吹,而且书也比家里的多太多了。顺便查了1下日全食的资料。小学生暑假英语日记(5)On July 21, rainy daysThe weather of today is very comfortable, though the weather forecast said it is cloudy, but just a little bit rain, very cool.The weather forecast said it is cloudy, and friends about to play basketball, but unfortunately, in the rain can play. Afternoon after the rain stopped to help m。



写作思路及要点:多方面介绍北京景点特色。The Forbidden City, also known as the Forbidden City, is located in the center of Beijing. It is the imperial palace of the Qing and Ming Dynasties. It is the best preserved and largest imperial palace in the world.故宫又称为紫禁城,位于北京的中心,是清明两代的皇宫,是世界上现在保存最好,规模最大的帝王宫殿。We got to the square first. It's huge! There are five exquisite white marble arch bridges in the square.我们先到了广场,广场大极了!广场上有5座精巧的汉白玉拱桥。Standing on the square, looking up, a magnificent palace stands in front of us. This is Taihe hall. The hall of Supreme Harmony has a glittering throne and majestic pillars, which makes people feel shocked.站在广场上,抬头1看,1座金碧辉煌的宫殿耸立在眼前,这就是太和殿。Then we passed the Qianqing palace, which was the emperor's bedroom, and went into the Royal Garden, where there was a pavilion.太和殿内有金光闪闪的宝座,有气势磅礴的金柱,给人的感觉很震撼。There are rockeries and green trees beside the pavilion. It's very beautiful之后我们走过了乾清宫,那是皇帝的卧室,又走进了御花园,御花园里有1座亭子。The Palace Museum not only embodies the wisdom and talents of the ancient people, but also shows us the history of the ancient imperial dynasty.故宫不但凝聚了古代人民的智慧和才干,而且向我们展示了古代皇朝的历史。

求1篇假期在北京旅游的英语作文 要求写上北京的景点

3、求1篇假期在北京旅游的英语作文 要求写上北京的景点

Summer travel to Beijing This summer holiday I have been to BeiJing for a travel. it was a great journey! we have went to see the Imperial Palace and the great wall and them let me feel that I was proud to be a Chinese. The Imperial Palace noted the history. there were many antiques which we could espy the great culture . From the great wall,it was a well-known wonder in the ***.it is made of big stones which was too heavy to bring even uesing it to buil a construction of ruggedization. what a great grandeur!【翻译】暑假到北京旅行 这个暑假我去了北京旅游。这是1个伟大的旅程!我们去看故宫和长城,他们让我觉得自己是1个中国人而感到骄傲。 故宫著名的历史。有许多古董,我们能看到的杰出的文化。 来自长城,它是世界著名的奇迹是由大石头太重带来甚至用它建造施工加固。多么伟大的伟大!。
